Thursday, 28 April 2011

This is completely random but a friend from home showed me it & it is really good!

Friday, 22 April 2011

I really like how within this website as you scroll down the navigation stays in the same place!

Little detail but appreciated.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Website Love..

 This website above i like due to the simplicity of being able to look around it, it was easy to navigate! And did the job, although I would have more images/photographs on each page rather than just the one.

 I really love this website above! It interests me when i clicked on it to look through it. Although maybe not as simple to navigate around I do like the amount on each page and also the links along the top.

I think this website is the kind of way I would like to have mine! Inventory Studio has kept the amount of type down along with adding enough images to interest you when you first click on it.

Although I think for my website I would like to have the navigation bar down the left hand side.
Website Hate..

This website above i really don't like there is just a series of different photographs on each different page. There is no link to an About, Contact.. Anything about who it actually is. 

This website above is pretty much worse!! the title slides along the top of the screen. The blue speckles in the background of the orange also flickr and fall down the screen! The colour scheme is just unbelievable!